Strange phenomenon on Thursday. I returned from my lessons complaining that I hadn't learnt anything that day, and then discovered in the social dancing that night that I had a whole load of new sycopation motor memory. Props to Remy and Jessica for fooling me into learning something. And it was useful! The feeling that nothing is going on has vanished. I don't think I've used exactly any of the rhythms they taught us; that will require more practice. But the general principle of advancing or retarding steps to hit the syncopated rhythms in the music, without leading it, is working. The advanced follows seem to be less bored now. :-) We only had two lessons on Friday due to timetable rearrangements. Both were with Rikard and Jenny, from Stockholm. Rikard was demonstrating for Sugar and Barbara's Slow Dance lesson last week, and there was a lot of overlap with the first lesson. The second lesson was about dancing half-time to fast music and double-time to slow music, and about call-and-response. Not very inspiring. :-( And that's it for week 3! I ate lunch, slept from 2pm to 6pm, ate again, and joined the Friday party, which deserves a separate post.